
Packages entail what a customer can purchase as a plan or an add-on bundle.

Topics in this document:

To access this section in Monetization, from the Menu, select Catalog, and click Packages.


To access this section, click Plans. A paginated list of all plans is shown in a tabular format.

Plans are the highest level object in Monetization while designing your offering catalog. A plan is what customers subscribe to consume a service(s) or use a product resource(s).

A plan can consist of multiple bundles, where each bundle is a group of products and discounts which are ultimately responsible for granting resources to the customer.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create plan

Under plans, to create a plan, click Create new. The name, code, bundles, and validity period are required, while the description, term, compatible bundles, compatible bundles only, and supported payment types are optional.

During the onboarding process of a customer, a plan must be selected at the subscription section. Additional bundles (add-ons) can also be included and purchased with the plan.

However, suppose compatible bundles only is enabled by using the Compatible bundles only toggle switch, and a list of compatible bundles is provided. In that case, this will specify which bundles the customer can purchase as add-ons to the plan.

Details plan page

Under plans, to see the full details of a plan, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Status
  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Validity period
  • Term
  • Bundles
  • Compatible bundles
  • Compatible bundles only
  • Supported payment types
  • Sensitive data

Update plan

Under plans, to update a plan, first, click Details; it shows the details of the plan. Then to update, click Update.

Delete plan

Under plans, to delete a plan, click Delete.


To access this section, click Bundles. A paginated list of all bundles is shown in a tabular format.

Bundles are logical groups of products and discounts, which can be part of a plan or purchased separately as an add-on. It is the lowest hierarchy object that a customer can still purchase as a single object on a subscription.

Bundles can have unlimited products and discounts, and they can either be optional or mandatory. A bundle is like a middle object that connects a product to a plan and can have specific term tied to it.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create bundle

Under bundles, to create a bundle, click Create new. The name, code, validity period, and a single product or discount from your offering catalog are required.

Once a product is selected, it is marked as red. This means the product is required, and the customer must purchase it as part of the bundle. If the red button is clicked, it will change to blue, which means the product is optional.

If a product is optional, when a customer purchases the bundle, they can either include it as part of the purchase or not.

A term can also be chosen for the bundle. The term specifies the commitment period expected from the customer after the bundle is purchased. For more information, see Terms.

The validity period means when the bundle will be available for purchase.

Details bundle page

Under bundles, to see the full details of a bundle, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Status
  • Name
  • Code
  • Products
  • Discounts
  • Term
  • Validity period

Update bundle

Under bundles, to update a bundle, first, click Details; it shows the details of the bundle. Then to update, click Update.

Delete bundle

Under bundles, to delete a bundle, click Delete.


To access this section, click Terms. A paginated list of all terms is shown in a tabular format.

A term is assigned to either a plan or bundle to know how long they should be effective. It specifies the commitment levels expected from a customer and any penalty fees that may be applicable if the customer cancels prematurely.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create term

Under terms, to create a term, click Create new.

Under the commitment duration base, choose between:

  1. Billing cycle
  2. Actual

The Billing cycle specifies the number of billing cycles the term is in effect, while Actual means the actual period after the purchase.

Provide a commitment period which could either be in days, months, or years. For example, configuring the commitment period to one year means the customer has to be subscribed to the plan/bundle for at least a year.

Under early termination, choose between:

  1. Allowed
  2. Penalty
  3. Not allowed

Selecting Allowed means that the customer can terminate the plan before the end of the commitment period without any penalty.

Selecting Not allowed means that Monetization will disallow any form of early termination from the customer.

Selecting Penalty means that the customer will be penalized for terminating the plan before the end of the commitment period.

After selecting Penalty, the following input fields can be configured:

  • Grace period — a specific number that denotes the time given to the customer to renew the plan before they are fined.
  • Grace period time unit — it could be in days, months, or years.
  • Penalty charge (Charge up to) — specifies how much the customer will be charged.
  • Prorated penalty — if configured, the penalty charge will be adjusted for a specific period. For example, a customer leaving towards the end of the term should have a lesser penalty fee than someone who left earlier.
  • General ledger — depicts how Monetization will record this penalty fee for financial accounting purposes.
  • Bill item type — specifies how Monetization will present the charge on the bill/invoice.
  • Tax
  • Tax supplier
  • Renewal term (Auto renew) — enables the connection of one term to another after the expiration of the previous term. For example, after a contract of 2 years expires, it will auto-renew with a different term, such as a 1-year contract, without a penalty fee.

Details term page

Under terms, to see the full details of a particular term, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Code
  • Name
  • Commitment period
  • Commitment time unit
  • Commitment duration base
  • Early termination action
    • Grace period [ For early termination with a penalty ]
    • Grace period time unit
    • Penalty charge
    • Prorate penalty
    • General ledger
    • Bill item type
    • Tax
    • Tax supplier
    • Renewal term

Update term

Under terms, to update a term, first, click Details; it shows the details of the term. Then to update, click Update.

Delete term

Under terms, to delete a term, click Delete.


To access this section, click Coupons. A paginated list of all coupons is shown in a tabular format.

Coupons are generated code(s) that can give specific bundles that offer customers a discount when consumed. When a customer subscribes to a plan, they can also use a coupon code as part of the purchase; thereby, Monetization will give the customer a discounted price as configured in the coupon.

Coupon vs. Voucher

A coupon works the same way as a voucher, the difference being that a coupon only lasts for that specific purchase. In contrast, a voucher can give something to the customer on a longer basis.

In addition, a voucher code can be consumed anytime, while a coupon code is used and valid during a purchase, then becomes deactivated.

Example of a coupon

A customer purchases an add-on bundle, Additional service, for $10 and is also consuming a coupon code MINUS 20 as part of that purchase.

If the coupon code contains a bundle with a 20% discount configured to target the Additional service product, the customer will end up paying $8 instead of $10.

Two actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create coupon

Under coupons, to create a coupon, click Create new. Provide a name, code, vendor, code character set, code template, quantity, redemption quantity, range start, bundle, and validity period; the remaining input fields are optional.

Explanation of some terms


This means the name of the entity that owns the coupon. It is only used for information purposes. Your organization name can be used under this section.

Code character set

This can either be numerical or alphanumerical. If numerical is selected, the generated codes will only include numbers, while if alphanumerical is selected, the generated codes will include both letters and numbers.

The code template

This provides the template that Monetization will use to generate the coupon codes.


This represents the number of coupon codes to be generated.

Redemption quantity

This represents how many times the customer can use each code.

Range start

This represents the starting point for the auto-generated codes.

Practical example

The below shows an example of a coupon configuration setting.

  • code template = coupon_##
  • character set = numerical
  • quantity = 5
  • redemption quantity = 1
  • range start = 87

This will yield five generated coupon codes, which the customer can only use once. The codes will be generated as follows based on the code template and range start:

  • coupon_87
  • coupon_88
  • coupon_89
  • coupon_90
  • coupon_91

Details coupon page

Under coupons, to see the full details of a coupon, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Vendor
  • Type
  • Code character set
  • Code template
  • Quantity
  • Redemption quantity
  • Range start
  • bundle
  • Validity period

Below the information will be the generated coupon codes shown in a tabular format, including their status and remaining quantity.