
Finance entails the configuration of financial-related objects for reporting and taxation.

Topics in this document:

To access this section in Monetization, from the Menu, select Business configuration, and click Finance.


To access this section, click Accounts. A paginated list of all accounts is shown in a tabular format.

An account is used for general ledger mappings and financial bookkeeping.

Three actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create account

Under accounts, to create an account, click Create new. Provide a name, code, and description.

In addition, choose the type of account; they refer directly to accounting types. They are as follows:

  • Asset
  • Expense
  • Equity
  • Liability
  • Revenue

Details account page

Under accounts, to see the full details of a particular account, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Type

Update account

Under accounts, to update an account, first, click Details; it shows the details of the account. Then to update, click Update.

General ledger groups

To access this section, click General ledger groups. A paginated list of all general ledger groups is shown in a tabular format.

A general ledger group can be used to group multiple general ledgers. Groups of general ledgers can be targeted for financial reports.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create a general ledger group

Under general ledger groups, to create a general ledger group, click Create new. Provide a name, code, and description.

Details general ledger group page

Under general ledger groups, to see the full details of a particular general ledger group, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description

Update general ledger group

Under general ledger groups, to update a general ledger group, first, click Details; it shows the details of the general ledger group. Then to update, click Update.

Delete general ledger group

Under general ledger groups, to delete a general ledger group, click Delete.

General ledgers

To access this section, click General ledgers. A paginated list of all general ledgers is shown in a tabular format.

A general ledger can have account mappings, which are used to keep track of financial journals.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create a general ledger

Under general ledgers, to create a general ledger, click Create new. Provide a name, code, and description.

To include a general ledger as part of a group of general ledgers, select the general ledger group.

To add an account mapping, under Account mappings, click Add mapping. Choose the condition, amount type, debit account, and credit account.

Example of an account mapping

ConditionAmount typeDebit AccountCredit Account
billedtaxSubscriptions: TaxAccounts Receivable
billednetSubscriptionsAccounts Receivable
billeddiscountAccounts ReceivableSubscriptions: Discount
unbillednetSubscriptionsAccounts Receivable
unbilleddiscountAccounts ReceivableSubscriptions: Discount
unbilledtaxSubscriptions: TaxAccounts Receivable

Details general ledger page

Under general ledgers, to see the full details of a particular general ledger, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Account mappings (if any)

Update general ledger

Under general ledgers, to update a general ledger, first, click Details; it shows the details of the general ledger. Then to update, click Update.

Delete general ledger

Under general ledgers, to delete a general ledger, click Delete.


To access this section, click Taxes. A paginated list of all taxes is shown in a tabular format.

A tax is an object that can be added to a price to calculate a tax, such as VAT.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create tax

Under taxes, to create a tax, click Create new. Provide a name, code, description, and validity period.

Details tax page

Under taxes, to see the full details of a particular tax, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Validity
  • Provider
  • Value
  • Type

Update tax

Under taxes, to update a tax, first, click Details; it shows the details of the tax. Then to update, click Update.

Delete tax

Under taxes, to delete a tax, click Delete.

Tax suppliers

To access this section, click Tax suppliers. A paginated list of all tax suppliers is shown in a tabular format.

A tax supplier refers to your company and includes any information relevant to reporting to the tax authorities.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create tax supplier

Under tax suppliers, to create a tax supplier, click Create new. Provide a name, code, description, address, country, city, and zip code.

Other configurations, which include whether your company is facilities-based, is a franchise and is regulated, can impact how taxes are treated when working with third-party integration.

Furthermore, choose the service class, which can be local or primary long distance, and the business class, which can be ILEC or CLEC.

Details tax supplier page

Under tax suppliers, to see the full details of a particular tax supplier, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Address
  • Country
  • State
  • City
  • ZIP
  • Facilities based
  • Franchise
  • Regulated
  • Service class
  • Business class

Update tax supplier

Under tax suppliers, to update a tax supplier, first, click Details; it shows the details of the tax. Then to update, click Update.

Delete tax supplier

Under tax suppliers, to delete a tax supplier, click Delete.

Customer types

To access this section, click Customer types. A paginated list of all customer types is shown in a tabular format.

The customer type in Monetization is used to segregate customers or to create different customer categories, which can be helpful for statistics and analytics purposes.

Examples of a customer type

  • Vendor
  • Reseller
  • Company
  • Supplier
  • Partner
  • Agent
  • Person
  • Operator

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create customer type

Under customer types, to create a customer type, click Create new. Provide a name, code, and description.

A customer type can be marked as sensitive data; use the Sensitive data toggle switch to enable/disable. If enabled, any customer object of this type represents a person or legal entity in Monetization.

Non-sensitive customer types are meant to represent customer objects which do not contain sensitive (personal) data and are only used for tracking relationships between different customer objects in special use cases such as utilities (Customer – Apartment).

Details customer type page

Under customer types, to see the full details of a particular customer type, click Details. It contains the following:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Sensitive data

Update customer type

Under customer types, to update a customer type, first, click Details; it shows the details of the customer type. Then to update, click Update.

Delete customer type

Under customer types, to delete a customer type, click Delete.

Bill Items

To access this section, click Bill Items. A paginated list of all bill items is shown in a tabular format.

A bill item is in charge of how Monetization represents charges on the bill/invoice. When a product is created, or when any impact occurs that affects the monetary resource, the bill item must be provided for Monetization to know how to represent the charge(s) on the bill/invoice.

Example of bill item

The bill item Subscription Monthly Fee can be used for three different products:

  1. Monthly Package Gold @ $30
  2. Monthly Package Silver @ $25
  3. Monthly Package Bronze @ $20

Even though the products are different with different prices, on the invoice, it will be displayed as Subscription Monthly Fee with their specific price due to the common bill item.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create bill item

Under bill items, to create a bill item, click Create new. Provide a name, code, and type (Cumulative or Individual). Optionally, add a description.

To include the bill item on the invoice, use the Included on invoice toggle switch to enable/disable. Enabling this feature means that Monetization will pull this data on the JSON object generated for one invoice.

Details bill item page

Under bill items, to see the full details of a particular bill item, click Details. It contains the following information:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Type
  • Included on invoice?

Update bill item

Under bill items, to update the bill item, first, click Details; it shows the details of the bill item. Then to update, click Update.

Delete bill item

Under bill items, to delete a bill item, click Delete.