Roaming Profile

Represents roaming node settings of CPO or eMSP, which is primarly using Tridens EV Charge as the central system.

To access this section in EV Charge, from the Menu, click Roaming.

Roaming Profile

Represents roaming node settings of CPO or eMSP, which is primarly using Tridens EV Charge as the central system. Settings are used to represent the CPO or eMSP entity in protocol specific roaming network communication with other third-party roaming platform nodes.
Entity can be related to Operator, otherwise it belongs to a general Site context.

General locational, monetary and informal settings are taken from the Site and Operator context.

Required to configure:

  • Protocol
  • Roaming identifier
  • Platform type

In the scope of Roaming Profile, Roaming Platforms can be configured for the communication and integration with third-party roaming service. See Roaming Platforms.

When desired to expose the charging infrastructure as a charge point operator (CPO) to the third-party providers/services, it is required to populate the charging infrastructure entries, as stated below.

Area: Set area’s roaming id to the unique identifier non-blank value and also populate the phone number of Area or related Operator. Roaming id attribute is required for roaming, but please note that this identifier may not be used in every roaming protocol, due to different protocol rules.

Charger: Set charger’s roaming id to the unique identifier non-blank value and also mark roaming attribute as enabled. Roaming id attribute is required for roaming, but please note that this identifier may not be used in every roaming protocol, due to different protocol rules.

Connector: Set connector’s roaming id to the unique identifier non-blank value. Roaming id attribute is required for roaming, but please note that this identifier may not be used in every roaming protocol, due to different protocol rules.