
Perform OCPP-related operations on the charger, including turning on/off a charger/connector and locking/unlocking a connector.

To access this section in EV Charge, from the Menu, select Operations, and click Chargers. A paginated list of all chargers is shown in a tabular format.

To generate the chargers list in a spreadsheet, click CSV. To print, click Print, and to copy, click Copy.

To see the list of connectors found in a charger, click Expand.

Both chargers and connectors can be turned on/off. To achieve this, click Request availability change. Turning off a connector will send a request to the charger via OCPP to make that part inoperative.

Turning a charger/connector on/off is the same as making it available or unavailable to end users. Unavailable chargers in the EV Charge - Mobile App cannot be used to start a session.

Change availability is the operation (based on OCPP) which provides an operator to manage the availability of the connected charging device from the Tridens EV Charge’s central system. Operation offers to request the connected charging device to change the availability of the charger or specific connector from Unavailable to Available and vice-versa.

Furthermore, a connector can be locked/unlocked by clicking .

Some EV chargers lock the connector to prevent it from being removed during charging for safety purposes. The lock/unlock action manually triggers that process. It is typically used for debugging or resolution if the charger does not release the connector due to a malfunction.