Log Notifications Setup
Topics in this document:
Tridens EV Charge platform can be utilized to log and review the occurred events by the charging infrastructure or those related to the charging sessions control. Feature is called log notifications and is based on the instructions of System Configuration - Notifications, where logging notifications configuration can be made by the Log publishers.
Operators can configure to be notified on the wide range of events, related to the charging infrastructure availability and charging session control.
A few events to consider enabling for log notifications, so the operators can track the charging infrastructure’s behavior:
Station connected
Station disconnected
Connector status changed
Reservation created
Reservation canceled
Session started
Session refused
Session’s charging ended
Session ended
Session’s state-of-charge (EV battery) limit breached
Session’s charge time limit breached
Session’s park time limit breached
Session’s fault time limit breached
For the complete list of actions in different scopes, see Tridens EV Charge - Notifications.
Basic Example
Basic example is represented in Figure 1 about adding a new logging notification configuration for the event when the charging station successfully connects to the central system of Tridens EV Charge. Log publisher is used with the default template format, as template attribute remained unselected.
Figure 1: Log notification configuration for charging station’s connection establishment with the central system.
Advanced Example
Advanced example is represented by Figures 2 and 3, where Figure 2 shows the logging notification configuration for the event when monetary limit of 50€ has been breached for the customer’s charging session. Filter Monetary limit is mandatory for the event and is set to 50€ threshold in this case. Instead of a default logging notification template, the custom configured notification template named as ‘Monetary Limit Breach 50€’ can be used. Figure 2 shows such notification template configuration on the different section of the UI.
Figure 2: Log notification configuration for the charging session’s monetary limit breach of 50€.
Figure 3: Notification template configuration for monetary limit breach of 50€ for the charging session.
Reading the Logs
Navigate to Stations and select the specific station for which you would like to review its logs and click under Actions to view station details. On the top right icons on the specific station’s page, click View logs icon (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Navigating to view the charging station’s notification logs.
The paginated logs view shows up, as in Figure 5. Time filters can be used to restrict the results range. Use Preferences to manage pagination and appearance.
Figure 5: Filtering the logs.