Charging Identification Device Setup

This section contains instructions to set up charging identification devices.

Topics in this document:

These are instructions to set up charging identification devices, e.g., RFID, NFC or certificate and assign them to the customers (drivers).

When the driver presents an identification device to the charger, for example by an RFID swipe, the charger requests the central system to identify and verify whether the driver is eligible to start the charging session.

Consists of multiple steps:

  • Device Type Setup
  • Device Setup
  • Assign Device to the Customer
  • Resign Customer’s Device

Device Type Setup

Set up the device types, which are intended to be supported. E.g., RFID, NFC, VIN, MAC.

Set up the device type first. To access this section in Monetization, from the Menu, click Devices. Open Device Type section tab on top. Use the green Create new button on the top right corner, so the creation form shows up.

Determine device type name as you desire and assign the code by one of the predefined code tags, which depend on the identification technology to be used, e.g., “RFID”. See the table of predefined device type code tags. You may also use the description box, to append additional helpful information and submit the creation form.

Code TagDescription
RFIDRadio-frequency identification. Represents a badge or card of the driver.
NFCNear field communication. Represents mobile or badge device of the driver.
VINVehicle identification number. Represents a vehicle.
MACMedia access control address, as unique device identifier in the network.
May represents a vehicle or other device
ISO15118Plug & charge of ISO 15118 for vehicle/driver identification.
Represents a charging service contract of the vehicle and driver.
You can define your custom type as well.

Table: Device type’s predefined code tags, representing an identification technology.

Device Setup

Set up an instance of device. On the left side navigation, open the Devices section. Move the the Device section tab on top. Use the green Create new button on the top right corner, so the creation form shows up.

Assign name and code, as best suits you, select the belonging device type, for example an RFID.

Populate the Identifier field by the unique identification value, which is transferred from the charger to the central system, to be verified later when for example swiping an RFID. Submit the form.

Assign Device to the Customer

Once an identification device instance is set up, it is ready to be assigned to an existing customer (driver) with subscription plan.

To access this section in Monetization, from the Menu, click Customers and find the customer for which you would like to assign a device. Open up the customer details by Info button on the right side, under actions column. Then move to the Subscriptions section and expand the subscription which is desired to have an identification device assigned.

Move down to the Services section and find the one which is named CHARGING_SERVICE (also QUANTITY_CHARGING_SERVICE or similar - depends on the catalogue configuration) entry and hit Edit action. Edit the service’s Device column and search for the previously set up identification device, assign it and hit Submit action to update the service.

Find a customer

Figure: Find a customer

Customer Subscription

Figure: Expand customer’s subscription and find the suitable service

Device Service

Figure: Assign device to service

Once identification device is assigned to the customer, swiping it (e.g., an RFID card) on the charger will result in charger requesting the central system to verify the device. This is called authorization, by which central system identifies the customer driver and verifies her/his monetary eligibility to start charging.

Once authorization is accepted, the charger is expected to allow the charging process to start.

Resign Customer’s Device

When there is intention to remove an identification device from the customer, it can be done by navigating to the customer’s details view, as stated in section Assign Device to the Customer. Edit an existing service on hitting the cross button on the device, which is desired to be removed. Hit Submit action to update the service.

Resign Customer Device

Figure: Resign customer’s service