
Templates are used to define how a notification will be presented to the receiver.

Topics in this document:

To access this section in EV Charge, from the Menu, select Business configuration, and click Templates.

Mail templates

To access this section, click Mail templates. A paginated list of all mail templates is shown in a tabular format.

A mail template is used to configure the layout and some basic information for an email sent to a receiver.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create a mail template

Under mail templates, to create a mail template, click Create. Provide a name, code, and description.

Additional configurable parameters for the mail template include the following:

  • subject
  • from address
  • to
  • Cc
  • Bcc
  • reply to

In addition, configure the body for the template.

Mail template body Figure 1: Mail template body

Details mail template page

Under mail templates, to see the full details of a mail template, click Details. It contains the following information:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Subject
  • From address
  • To
  • Cc
  • Bcc
  • Reply to
  • Content (if any)

Update mail template

Under mail templates, to update a mail template, first, click Details; it shows the details of the mail template. Then to update, click Update.

Delete mail template

Under mail templates, to delete a mail template, click Delete.

SMS templates

To access this section, click SMS templates. A paginated list of all SMS templates is shown in a tabular format.

An SMS template is used to configure how an SMS will be presented to the receiver.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create an SMS template

Under SMS templates, to create an SMS template, click Create. Provide a name, code, description, and content.

Details SMS template page

Under SMS templates, to see the full details of an SMS template, click Details. It contains the following information:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Content

Update SMS template

Under SMS templates, to update an SMS template, first, click Details; it shows the details of the SMS template. Then to update, click Update.

Delete SMS template

Under SMS templates, to delete an SMS template, click Delete.

Push notification templates

To access this section, click Push notification templates. A paginated list of all push notification templates is shown in a tabular format.

A push notification template is used to configure how a push notification will be presented to the receiver.

Four actions/subpages can be performed/viewed under this section, namely:

Create a push notification template

Under push notification templates, to create a push notification template, click Create. Provide a name, code, description, and content.

Details push notification template page

Under push notification templates, to see the full details of a push notification template, click Details. It contains the following information:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Description
  • Content

Update push notification template

Under push notification templates, to update a push notification template, first, click Details; it shows the details of the push notification template. Then to update, click Update.

Delete push notification template

Under push notification templates, to delete a push notification template, click Delete.